
Welcome to the Inner Fire Meditation Online course

We are very happy to have you with us! The challenge is hosted on our Online-Campus ActiveSpirits.

Thank you so much for being here and here’s to a wonderful time together!
In the next few minutes you will receive an email from us (carlos@activespirits.net). In it you will find all the information about your order.

In an extra email you will receive a link to create your access data for the ActiveSpirits members area.

If you don’t find this e-mail directly, please have a look in your spam folder.
Here is your link to the protected member area:

May this journey serve and transform you in the deepest way possible.

Warmly yours,

The InnerFire & ActiveSpirits Team

If you need any help, please feel free to contact us at carlos@activespirits.net.

You will see the charge from Digistore24.