Shai Tubali teaches


the Inner Fire Meditation

Deep within you dwell the keys to the ultimate self-realisation. The meditation of inner fire makes them accessible.

Discover the actuality of spiritual enlightenment


“Inner Fire is the ultimate meditation; the one that includes the entire wisdom and experience that anyone should expect on their way toward complete self-realization.

If you know how to practice Inner Fire, you no longer require any other meditative practice.”

– Shai Tubali

Tummo, the Inner Fire Meditation, uniquely activates the essential energy points in the human body, leading directly to an experience of bliss and a realization of transcendent states of consciousness.

For many centuries, this powerful enlightenment technique has been secretly transmitted orally by masters to the most advanced students in the Kagyu lineage.
Following the demands of our time, it is Shai Tubali’s wish to make this key to direct transformation available to all with an interest in deep inner transformation and true self-realization.

May the Inner Fire also become for you the foundation of sublime and infinitely expanding states of consciousness, leading you into a deeper and deeper realization of your true nature.

What others say about the Inner Fire Meditation

“My love for the Inner Fire Practice
The closest comparison to the Inner Fire practice I can think of, is the magical process of transformation of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. 
Such an evolution is possible for us humans too!
In the practice of Inner Fire we transmute our physical substance back into the light of pure consciousness. Our essential nature. 
In the Inner Fire all of our conditioning, illusions, and identifications burn away, and we realize the enlightened state. 
There is no greater Bliss.
And through practice this Bliss becomes our state of being, rather than an experience that can come and go. 
Whenever one longs for totality and the wisdom of Bliss, to fully choose to be in love with Truth, this is the ultimate meditation practice.”
Lizelot de Stigter

Through the meditation of the inner fire, I clearly feel the life force within me. The power that is inherent in all living things and connects everything. I am an inseparable part of life. At first, the breathing technique was still necessary to let this energy rise in me. Now it flows through pure concentration and visualization. It is liberating to experience myself as an expression of this energy, which is much greater than our limited, conditioned personality.

Elisabeth Dreher

For a year now I have been practicing the meditation of the Inner Fire (Tummo) 2x a day. Almost completely disappeared are anger, cravings and worries. What shows up instead more and more are a great serenity, calmness, peace, silence, joy, bliss, gratitude, clarity, humility, admiration of the fascinating beauty of nature and people. Harmony with what is. I also practice other exercises and meditations, such as Mahamudra, but Tummo Meditation certainly has the greatest share of changes. I can recommend it from the bottom of my heart.

Ralph Byrszel

The unique approach to the inner fire

Our mission is to make the teachings of the inner fire, in their original depth, as accessible as possible to anyone with a serious interest in spiritual transformation.

The meditation of the inner fire, as Shai teaches it, is a unique combination of three building blocks:

  1. The Tantric Buddhist System: the teachings are based on an intensive study of ancient Buddhist scriptures as well as contemporary publications by great lamas.
  2. The Yogic Nityananda Tradition: due to many years of training in this Kundalini-based tradition, Shai is one of Europe’s leading experts in the field of subtle bodies and, more specifically, the ancient chakra system.
  3. His own direct experience: in addition to his own realisation and daily practice of Inner Fire meditation, Shai has guided thousands of people through deeply transformative spiritual processes over 20 years of teaching experience.
    This combination enables Shai to extract the essence of the teachings from the ancient Buddhist scriptures and convey them in a direct and vivid way.


Experience the Inner Fire Meditation

Das innere Feuer kann in einer Vielfalt von Formaten erlernt studiert werden. Ein guter Einstieg kann das Buch sein, mit den Geführten Audiomeditationen als CD, oder in tiefer – der Online-Kurs.

Oder im Live-Stream in Online-Workshops und Retreats.

Book: Inner Fire in 7 Steps

Inner Fire in 7 Steps

Shai Tubali’s new book introduces you step-by-step to Tummo Meditation, making its original depth and secrets accessible and easy to practice. It is a true gem to anyone who longs for spiritual transformation and enlightenment.

Book: Inner Fire in 7 Steps

Inner Fire Online Course

In this 4 weeks online course, we are going to delve into the secret of the powerful Tibetan Buddhist Tummo Meditation (inner fire meditation) and gradually enter it’s depth and subtleties.

Book: Inner Fire in 7 Steps

Retreats & Live Events

Retreats are a special opportunity to get in touch with the true potential of the inner fire in an incomparably deep way.

Shai Tubali

About Shai Tubali

Shai Tubali has been an internationally-renowned speaker, author, and spiritual teacher since 2000. He has dedicated his life to helping others understand and realize themselves on all levels of existence. He skillfully combines psychology, philosophy, yogic traditions and Eastern thought and practices into powerful processes of inner transformation.

A trained yogi with 20 years of study in the field of Eastern thought and yogic traditions, Shai Tubali has become one of Europe’s experts in the field of subtle bodies and, more specifically, the ancient chakra system.

He has now established the new international Human Greatness Center: a model of a holistic way of life in light of the chakras, which also introduces the many therapeutic and meditative methods he has developed. His dream is to turn this knowledge of integral life into alternative models of the school system.

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